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Appeal Services for Amazon Sellers

By offering these services, Novi Global Products LLC aims to support Amazon sellers in navigating the complexities of account management and ensuring their business operations remain uninterrupted.


  1. Account Suspension Appeal

Craft and submit personalized appeal letters addressing the specific reasons for your account suspension, ensuring a higher chance of reinstatement.


  1. Listing Removal Appeal

Develop and submit effective appeals for reinstating product listings that have been removed due to policy violations or other issues.


  1. Policy Violation Appeal

Assist in appealing policy violation warnings by analyzing the violation, gathering necessary documentation, and drafting a compelling appeal.


  1. Intellectual Property (IP) Complaint Appeal

Provide assistance in addressing and appealing intellectual property complaints filed against your account, including sourcing proper documentation and crafting a strategic response.


  1. Performance Metric Improvement

Develop action plans and appeals for improving performance metrics such as Order Defect Rate (ODR), Late Shipment Rate (LSR), and other key performance indicators that affect account health.


  1. Negative Feedback Removal

Appeal for the removal of unjust negative feedback from your account, ensuring that your seller rating remains high.


  1. ASIN (Amazon Standard Identification Number) Reinstatement

Assist in appealing for the reinstatement of suspended ASINs, ensuring that your key products are back on the marketplace.


  1. Trademark and Brand Registry Appeals

Help with appeals related to issues with Amazon’s Brand Registry or trademark disputes, ensuring your brand’s protection and integrity.


  1. Account Reinstatement Strategy Consultation

Provide one-on-one consultation to develop a tailored strategy for account reinstatement, including preventative measures to avoid future suspensions.


  1. Compliance Training

Offer training and resources to help you and your team understand Amazon’s policies and maintain compliance to prevent future issues.

Appeal Process in Steps

  1. Initial Assessment

Submit a request for an initial assessment of your account status. Provide necessary details about your account and the issues you are facing.


  1. Case Review

Our team of experts will thoroughly review your account and the provided information to understand the specific reasons for the suspension or deactivation.


  1. Strategy Development

Based on the case review, we will develop a customized appeal strategy that addresses the issues identified by Amazon. This includes gathering supporting documents and drafting a persuasive appeal letter.


  1. Appeal Submission

Once the appeal strategy is finalized, we will submit the appeal on your behalf, ensuring that it is sent to the appropriate Amazon department for review.


  1. Follow-Up

After submission, we will monitor the status of your appeal and provide regular updates. If necessary, we will engage in further correspondence with Amazon to advocate for your account reinstatement.


  1. Resolution and Support

Once the appeal is successful and your account is reinstated, we will offer ongoing support to help you avoid future issues and optimize your account performance.

How Do We Help

At Novi Global, we specialize in comprehensive Amazon account management, offering a suite of services designed to help sellers navigate and thrive on the Amazon platform. By partnering with us, you can focus on growing your business while we handle the complexities of Amazon account management, ensuring sustainable success and compliance with Amazon’s policies.


Here’s how we can assist you:


  1. Account Health Monitoring

We continuously monitor your account health metrics to identify and address potential issues before they escalate into significant problems.


  1. Performance Optimization

Our team employs advanced techniques to optimize your product listings, enhancing visibility and conversion rates. This includes keyword optimization, enhanced content, and strategic pricing.


  1. Advertising Management

We manage your PPC campaigns to maximize your return on investment. Our approach involves thorough keyword research, bid optimization, and ongoing performance analysis.


  1. Inventory Management

Efficient inventory management is crucial to maintaining sales momentum. We implement sophisticated forecasting tools to prevent stockouts and overstock situations.


  1. Appeal Services

In case of account suspensions or other issues, we provide expert appeal services to get your account reinstated swiftly. Our team has a proven track record in crafting effective appeals that address Amazon’s concerns.


  1. Data-Driven Insights

We leverage performance analytics to provide actionable insights, helping you make informed decisions that drive growth and profitability.


  1. Customer Support

We ensure that your customers receive excellent service by managing feedback and resolving any issues promptly, contributing to higher customer satisfaction and positive ratings.